Ph: 813-298-9463


10 Locations

Number of Sold Items per Month Monthly Income Annual Income
50 Items Sold Per Location $1,125.00 $13,500.00
75 Items Sold Per Location $1,687.00 $20,500.00
100 Items Sold Per Location $2,250.00 $27,000.00

20 Locations

Number of Sold Items per Month Monthly Income Annual Income
50 Items Sold Per Location $2,250.00 $27,000.00
75 Items Sold Per Location $3,375.00 $40,500.00
100 Items Sold Per Location $4,500.00 $54,000.00

30 Locations

Number of Sold Items per Month Monthly Income Annual Income
50 Items Sold Per Location $3,375.00 $40,500.00
75 Items Sold Per Location $5,062.00 $60,750.00
100 Items Sold Per Location $6,750.00 $81,000.00

Hours of work required per month

10 Locations     10 Hours
20 Locations     20 Hours
30 Locations     30 Hours

(Based on 30 minute of work in each location and 2 visits a month)

Above numbers are based on our locations, sales may varies based on locations and work ethics